Elevating Visual Experiences With Pictas - 2024 and Beyond

Hello, everyone. I’m sure there are a lot of questions regarding the change in the community and what it means for PICTAS and, of course, for you. So, to put your minds at ease and perhaps even create some excitement, let me introduce myself and explain my vision for this platform in the future.

Before we get to that, I have to take a moment to acknowledge the massive amount of work and dedication Harry, Nikki, Matteo, and all the others have put into developing this community. My head is spinning with everything that happens behind the scenes. It's a massive task, and they did it in their personal time. I have to applaud them for this. We’ve established that they are not gone; they are just changing their focus. I hope to see their input and engagement in the future, as they are the core of this community platform. 

Michelle and I summed up perfectly

I’m a lens-based artist hailing from the northeastern part of South Africa. I have an incredible wife and fellow artist, and we spend our days in our studio exploring our creativity and learning the process of being full-time artists. If you want my long-winded back story, read more on my Substack Shadows and Substance.  

Why take over Pictas? I have had a long-time need to create an educational platform for photographers. There are many “quick-fix” promises out there, but there is not enough guidance. “This is a way of being”. I believe it is. The practice is more critical to photographers and artists than the results if you’re in it for the long haul. I love everything about photography, so it is only natural that when an opportunity like this came by, I would grab at it. I’m not the most qualified person for the job. However, I am dedicated to my craft and willing to share my failures and successes to inspire and ease the journey for others willing to learn.

My desk, where I end up spending most of my time.

Over the next twelve months, I will work on developing Pictas into an online resource for photographers. I’m getting the website up and running again, which will house video guides, course resources, and some membership structure (I’m still working on how to do this right to benefit the community). Artists, you are not forgotten or excluded. I’m working on how to develop the platform for you as well. It’s a broad field, so I must take extra care as I begin my journey as an artist. Rest assured; this will not be a photography-exclusive platform. Below are the Vision and Mission statements. They serve as a heading while we navigate these next twelve months. 


Pictas will be a global community platform for traditional artists, photographers, and visual artists to learn, showcase, and contribute to each other’s practice. It aims to further personal and career growth for anyone willing to learn through education and representation.


To develop an ecosystem that creatives can learn from, showcase in, and contribute to. Building a multicultural, international community to broaden knowledge of each other and further the artistic practice. 

I hope that a year from now, this Substack will be a bi-weekly regular read for many people, with two additional writers, numerous guest posts, and a website that has video courses, PDF guides, and other digital resources for the community. It becomes a showcase of the incredible talent within the community and a space for people to communicate and enjoy each other’s creativity and cultures. 

I hope this has clarified your concerns and given you peace of mind. I am always open to suggestions and willing to listen, so contact me if you’d like. 

Until next time,



Join us in Honoring Women on International Women's Day


Interview with the Artist: talking with Derek Stewart